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Gear Fungible Token Standard (GRC-20)

The Gear Fungible Token Standard provides a unified API for smart contracts to implement token functionalities. It encompasses critical operations like token transfer and approvals for third-party spending on the blockchain. Below, we detail the contract state, its interface, and key methods to facilitate these operations.

Contract State Definition

pub struct FungibleTokenData {
/// Name of the token.
name: String,
/// Symbol of the token.
symbol: String,
/// Number of decimal places for the token.
decimals: u8,
/// Total supply of the token.
total_supply: u128,
/// Mapping of account addresses to their token balances.
balances: HashMap<ActorId, u128>,
/// Nested mapping for managing allowances: account -> (spender -> allowance).
allowances: HashMap<ActorId, HashMap<ActorId, u128>>,
/// Mapping of executed transactions to the time they are valid.
tx_ids: HashMap<(ActorId, TxId), ValidUntil>,
/// Mapping of accounts to their transaction IDs.
account_to_tx_ids: HashMap<ActorId, HashSet<TxIds>>,
/// Configuration parameters for the fungible token contract.
config: Config,

Key Components

  • name: The token's name.
  • symbol: The token's symbol.
  • decimals: The precision of the token, indicating how it can be divided.
  • total_supply: The total number of tokens that have been issued.
  • balances: A map (HashMap) that records the token balance (u128) of each holder.
  • allowances: A map that records how much an authorized spender is allowed to transfer from a user's account.
  • tx_ids: A map of executed transactions to the time they are valid.
  • account_to_tx_ids: A map of accounts and their successfully executed transaction ids.
  • config: Contains configuration settings that can extend the smart contract with additional parameters defined by a contract developer. For example, it can include a transaction storage period and payment for transaction storage.
    Config { 
    /// transaction storage time
    tx_storage_period: u64,
    /// transaction storage cost
    tx_payment: u128

Contract Interface

The contract interface defines how users interact with the token contract, including token transfer, approval, and queries about balances, allowances, and other token information.

constructor {
New : (name: str, symbol: str, decimals: u8);

service {
Transfer : (tx_id: opt u64, from: actor_id, to: actor_id, amount: u128) -> result (Transferred, Error);
Approve : (tx_id: opt u64, to: actor_id, amount: u128) -> result (Approved, Error);
query Allowance : (spender: actor_id, account: actor_id) -> u128;
query BalanceOf : (account: actor_id) -> u128;
query Decimals : () -> u8;
query GetTxValidityTime : (account: actor_id, tx_id: u64) -> opt u64;
query Name : () -> str;
query TotalSupply : () -> u128;

events {
Transferred: struct { from: actor_id, to: actor_id, amount: u128 },
Approved: struct { from: actor_id, to: actor_id, amount: u128 },

type Error = enum {

Key Methods


pub fn transfer(
&mut self,
tx_id: Option<TxId>,
from: ActorId,
to: ActorId,
amount: u128,
) -> Result<Transferred> {}

Transfers a specified amount of tokens from one account to another. Upon successful execution generates the event:

Transferred {

The contract must return errors in the following cases:

  • If from or to are zero addresses, then the error ZeroAddress is returned.
  • If the from account does not have the specified balance, then the error NotEnoughBalance is returned.
  • If the account sending the message is not the from account and it checks whether this account was approved to transfer tokens from the from account. If not approved, or if the specified amount is less than the amount of tokens that can be transferred, then the error NotAllowedToTransfer is returned.
  • If tx_id is specified and a transaction from the account that sent this message has been executed with the specified ID, then the error TxAlreadyExists is returned.


pub fn approve(&mut self, tx_id: Option<TxId>, to: ActorId, amount: u128) 
-> Result<Approved> {}

This function allows a designated spender (to) to withdraw up to an amount of tokens from your account, multiple times up to the amount limit. Resets allowance to amount with a subsequent call.

Upon successful execution, triggers the event:

pub struct Approved {

The contract must return errors in the following cases:

  • If the to address is a zero address, then the error ZeroAddress is returned.
  • If tx_id is specified, the system checks whether a transaction from the sending account has already been executed with the given ID. If such a transaction exists, then the error TxAlreadyExists is returned.

In both methods, the user has the option to include a transaction ID, which serves for transaction identification and ensures idempotency. Including this ID is recommended when the transfer message originates from another contract. The tx_id helps prevent transaction duplication and aids in synchronizing the states of contracts in the event of a network failure.



These are the optional methods that can alter the total supply of tokens; they should be securely managed and controlled.

When implementing mint/burn methods, the optional field tx_id can also be used. The mint/burn methods trigger the event:

Transferred {


  • from is a zero address for mint method
  • to is a zero address for burn method

Query methods

Provide access to token information such as name, symbol, decimals, total_supply, and specific account balances and allowances.


Returns the name of the token.

pub fn name(&self) -> String {}


Returns the symbol of the token.

pub fn symbol(&self) -> String {}


Returns the decimals of the token.

pub fn decimals(&self) -> u8 {}


Returns the total supply of the token.

pub fn total_supply(&self) -> u128 {}


Returns the token balance of the account address.

pub fn balance_of(&self, account: ActorId) -> u128 {}


Returns the number of tokens the spender account is authorized to spend on behalf of the account.

pub fn allowance(&self, spender: ActorId, account: ActorId) -> u128 {}


Returns the validity period of the transaction. If the transaction does not exist, it returns None.

pub fn get_tx_validity_time(&self, account: ActorId, tx_id: TxId) 
-> Option<ValidUntil> {}

Additional features and Considerations

  • The contract can be expanded to include admin addresses and add functionalities such as minting and burning tokens.
  • Storing completed transactions consumes storage space. Transaction storage fees may be implemented to manage the cost of storing transaction data in VARA tokens. The contract owner can charge a fee for storing transactions in VARA tokens and refund it as transactions are cleared.
  • Transactions can be cleared in the following ways:
    • An account can send a message to clear its transactions.
    • Any account can send a message to clear transactions that have been stored in the contract for longer than transaction_storage_time and receive a reward (at the admin's discretion).
    • The contract can check for the presence of transactions in an account each time an account sends a message, specifying tx_id and clearing outdated transactions.


By adhering to this standard, smart contracts can ensure interoperability and provide a consistent user experience across different platforms and applications within the blockchain ecosystem.

Using this standard, dApp developers can ensure that their in-app tokens, built on the basis of this standard, will be natively displayed in user wallets without requiring additional integration efforts, assuming that wallet applications also support this standard.