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About Vara Network

Vara Network is the first stand-alone layer-1 decentralized network built and running on top of Gear Protocol. It serves as an optimal playground for next-gen gaming, financial applications, experimental features, and more. Vara accommodates various modern use cases, making it an ideal choice for developers already in Web3 and those transitioning from Web2. It provides a secure, efficient, and scalable environment for deploying decentralized applications.

Many next-generation apps, like gaming and payments, require low-latency execution. The Vara standalone network provides the fastest on-ramp for these applications and unlocks new potential applications. Additionally, Vara Network presents low transaction costs for users and dApp creators.

Vara Network employs an inclusive and reliable Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) mechanism to select validators for its consensus protocol. This mechanism selects validators based on their stakes and the funds nominated by other token holders. Running a node or supporting the network as a nominator is incentivized. This approach fosters a more democratic and decentralized process, reducing the risk of centralization, where only the wealthiest entities could become validators.

The vast majority of tokens are held by the community. Vara empowers its community to steer the network's evolution through its on-chain governance mechanism. To ensure decentralization, longevity, and flexibility, Vara adopts the widely accepted OpenGov framework as its native governance model. This framework enables any VARA token holder to participate in Vara’s decentralized governance, influencing future updates or modifications to the network.

The primary features of the Vara Network include:

  • Fast truly decentralized L1.
  • Secure, efficient, and scalable environment for new features and optimizations.
  • Low transaction costs.
  • A robust NPoS mechanism for network security and decentralization.
  • Governance by community members - token holders.
  • A stable and upgradable network, facilitated by Substrate.
  • A well-thought-out token economy that ensures the long-term sustainability of the network and benefits for its community.

There are several ways other than developing and running dApps to support Vara Network:

  • Become a Validator by providing computing resources for programs execution, blocks producing and participation in consensus mechanism. It makes the Vara Network secure, performant and censorship-resistant.
  • Become a Nominator by staking tokens and nominating validators. Elected validators that produce blocks redistribute rewards to their nominators.
  • Become Ambassador to create educational awareness, community engagement, and decentralization around Vara Network and Gear Protocol.

For more info about Vara Network and how to become a part of the community, refer to Vara Wiki.