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Gear Fungible Token Standard (GRC-20)

The Gear Fungible Token Standard provides a unified API for smart contracts to implement token functionalities. It encompasses critical operations like token transfer and approvals for third-party spending on the blockchain. Below, we detail the contract state, its interface, and key methods to facilitate these operations.

An example implementation of the GRC-20 standard is available on GitHub.


  Approve(spender, value)
Transfer(to, value)
TransferFrom(from, to, value)
Allowance(owner, spender)


    Approval(owner, spender, value);
Transfer(from, to, value);

Key methods


pub fn approve(&mut self, spender: sails_rtl::ActorId, value: U256) -> bool

This function allows a designated spender (spender) to withdraw up to an value of tokens from your account, multiple times up to the amount limit. Resets allowance to value with a subsequent call. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.

Upon successful execution, triggers the event:

Approval {
owner: sails_rtl::ActorId,
spender: sails_rtl::ActorId,
value: U256,


pub fn transfer(&mut self, to: sails_rtl::ActorId, value: U256) -> bool

Transfers the specified value of tokens to the account to. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation

Upon successful execution generates the event:

Transfer {
from: sails_rtl::ActorId,
to: sails_rtl::ActorId,
value: U256,


pub fn transfer_from(&mut self, from: sails_rtl::ActorId, to: sails_rtl::ActorId, value: U256) -> bool

Transfers a specified value of tokens from one account to another, using the allowance mechanism. Value is then deducted from the caller’s allowance. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.

Upon successful execution generates the event:

Transfer {
from: sails_rtl::ActorId,
to: sails_rtl::ActorId,
value: U256,

Query methods


Returns the name of the token.

pub fn name(&self) -> String 


Returns the symbol of the token.

pub fn symbol(&self) -> String 


Returns the decimals of the token.

pub fn decimals(&self) -> u8


Returns the total supply of the token.

pub fn total_supply(&self) -> U256


Returns the token balance of the owner address.

pub fn balance_of(&self, owner: sails_rtl::ActorId) -> U256


Returns the number of tokens the spender account is authorized to spend on behalf of the owner.

pub fn allowance(&self, owner: sails_rtl::ActorId, spender: sails_rtl::ActorId) -> U256 

Contract Interface

The contract interface defines how users interact with the token contract, including token transfer, approval, and queries about balances, allowances, and other token information.

constructor {
New : (name: str, symbol: str, decimals: u8);

service Erc20 {
Approve : (spender: actor_id, value: u256) -> bool;
Transfer : (to: actor_id, value: u256) -> bool;
TransferFrom : (from: actor_id, to: actor_id, value: u256) -> bool;
query Allowance : (owner: actor_id, spender: actor_id) -> u256;
query BalanceOf : (owner: actor_id) -> u256;
query Decimals : () -> u8;
query Name : () -> str;
query Symbol : () -> str;
query TotalSupply : () -> u256;

events {
Approval: struct { owner: actor_id, spender: actor_id, value: u256 };
Transfer: struct { from: actor_id, to: actor_id, value: u256 };


By adhering to this standard, smart contracts can ensure interoperability and provide a consistent user experience across different platforms and applications within the blockchain ecosystem.

Using this standard, dApp developers can ensure that their in-app tokens, built on the basis of this standard, will be natively displayed in user wallets without requiring additional integration efforts, assuming that wallet applications also support this standard.