
NFT pixelboard



This article explains at a superficial level the purpose and logic of this smart contract. For a more detailed technical description, see its documentation on the dapps documentation portal and source code.

The inspiration for this smart contract comes from The Million Dollar Homepage (referencing its Wikipedia article). In brief, it's a website featuring a canvas of 1000 by 1000 pixels, where each pixel costs $1. Anyone can purchase a block of pixels, like 10 by 10, or multiple blocks, paint the acquired pixels, and associate them with a web link. NFT Pixelboard follows the same idea, but with a twist: the bought pixel blocks are NFTs. They can be colored anytime, not just at the purchase and are resellable.


NFTPixelboardAction::Mint is utilized for minting NFTs on a pixelboard. Users can sell their NFTs or paint them using NFTPixelboardAction::ChangeSaleState and NFTPixelboardAction::Paint, respectively.

The painting() metafunction is used to get the entire painting of a pixelboard. Users can retrieve details about NFTs and pixels on a pixelboard through the token_info() and pixel_info() metafunctions, respectively.



/// Initializes the NFT pixelboard program.
/// # Requirements
/// * `owner` address mustn't be [`ActorId::zero()`].
/// * `block_side_length` must be more than 0.
/// * `pixel_price` mustn't be more than [`MAX_PIXEL_PRICE`].
/// * A [width](`Resolution#structfield.width`) &
/// [height](`Resolution#structfield.height`) (`resolution`) of a canvas must be
/// more than 0.
/// * Each side of `resolution` must be a multiple of `block_side_length`.
/// * `painting` length must equal a pixel count in a canvas (which can be
/// calculated by multiplying a [width](`Resolution#structfield.width`) &
/// [height](`Resolution#structfield.height`) from `resolution`).
/// * `commission_percentage` mustn't be more than 100.
/// * `ft_program` address mustn't be [`ActorId::zero()`].
/// * `nft_program` address mustn't be [`ActorId::zero()`].
#[derive(Decode, Encode, TypeInfo, Clone)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub struct InitNFTPixelboard {
/// An address of a pixelboard owner to which minting fees and commissions
/// on resales will be transferred.
pub owner: ActorId,
/// A block side length.
/// To avoid a canvas clogging with one pixel NFTs, blocks are used instead
/// of pixels to set NFT [`Rectangle`]s. This parameter is used to set a
/// side length of these pixel blocks. If blocks aren't needed, then this
/// parameter can be set to 1, so the block side length will equal a pixel.
pub block_side_length: BlockSideLength,
/// The price of a free pixel. It'll be used to calculate a minting price.
pub pixel_price: u128,
/// A canvas (pixelboard) [width](`Resolution#structfield.width`) &
/// [height](`Resolution#structfield.height`).
pub resolution: Resolution,
/// A commission percentage that'll be included in each NFT resale.
pub commission_percentage: u8,
/// A painting that'll be displayed on the free territory of a pixelboard.
pub painting: Vec<Color>,

/// A FT program address.
pub ft_program: ActorId,
/// An NFT program address.
pub nft_program: ActorId,


// Sends a program info about what it should do.
#[derive(Decode, Encode, TypeInfo, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[codec(crate = gstd::codec)]
#[scale_info(crate = gstd::scale_info)]
pub enum NFTPixelboardAction {
/// Mints one NFT on a pixelboard with given `token_metadata` & `painting`.
/// Transfers a minted NFT to [`msg::source()`].
/// # Requirements
/// * `rectangle` coordinates mustn't be out of a canvas.
/// * `rectangle` coordinates mustn't be mixed up or belong to wrong
/// corners.
/// * `rectangle` coordinates must observe a block layout. In other words,
/// each `rectangle` coordinate must be a multiple of a block side length in
/// the canvas. The block side length can be obtained by
/// [`block_side_length()`](../nft_pixelboard_state/metafns/fn.block_side_length.html).
/// * NFT `rectangle` mustn't collide with already minted one.
/// * `painting` length must equal a pixel count in an NFT
/// (which can be calculated by multiplying a [width](`Rectangle::width`) &
/// [height](`Rectangle::height`) from `rectangle`).
/// * [`msg::source()`] must have enough fungible tokens to buy all free
/// pixels that `rectangle` will occupy. An enough number of tokens can be
/// calculated by multiplying a `rectangle` area and the price of a free
/// pixel. The area can be calculated by multiplying a
/// [width](`Rectangle::width`) & [height](`Rectangle::height`) from
/// `rectangle`. The price of a free pixel can be obtained by
/// [`pixel_price()`](../nft_pixelboard_state/metafns/fn.pixel_price.html).
/// On success, returns [`NFTPixelboardEvent::Minted`].
/// [`msg::source()`]: gstd::msg::source
Mint {
rectangle: Rectangle,
token_metadata: TokenMetadata,
/// A painting that'll be displayed in a place of an NFT on a pixelboard
/// after a successful minting.
painting: Vec<Color>,

/// Buys an NFT minted on a pixelboard.
/// Transfers a purchased NFT from a pixelboard program to
/// [`msg::source()`].
/// **Note:** If [`msg::source()`] has enough fungible tokens to pay a
/// resale commission but not the entire NFT, then the commission will still
/// be withdrawn from its account.
/// # Requirements
/// * An NFT must be minted on a pixelboard.
/// * An NFT must be for sale. This can be found out by
/// [`token_info()`]. See also the documentation of
/// [`TokenInfo#structfield.pixel_price`].
/// * [`msg::source()`] must have enough fungible tokens to buy all pixels
/// that an NFT occupies. This can be found out by
/// [`token_info()`]. See also the documentation of
/// [`TokenInfo#structfield.pixel_price`].
/// On success, returns [`NFTPixelboardEvent::Bought`].
/// [`msg::source()`]: gstd::msg::source
/// [`token_info()`]: ../nft_pixelboard_state/metafns/fn.token_info.html

/// Changes a sale state of an NFT minted on a pixelboard.
/// There are 3 options of a sale state change:
/// * Putting up for sale\
/// If an NFT is **not** for sale, then assigning `pixel_price` to [`Some`]
/// price will transfer it to a pixelboard program & put it up for sale.
/// * Updating a pixel price\
/// If an NFT is for sale, then assigning `pixel_price` to [`Some`] price
/// will update its pixel price.
/// * Removing from sale\
/// Assigning the `pixel_price` to [`None`] will transfer an NFT back to its
/// owner & remove an NFT from sale.
/// **Note:** A commission is included in each NFT resale, so a seller
/// will receive not all fungible tokens but tokens with a commission
/// deduction. A commission percentage can be obtained by
/// [`commission_percentage()`](../nft_pixelboard_state/metafns/fn.commission_percentage.html).
/// # Requirements
/// * An NFT must be minted on a pixelboard.
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be the owner of an NFT.
/// * `pixel_price` mustn't be more than [`MAX_PIXEL_PRICE`].
/// On success, returns [`NFTPixelboardEvent::SaleStateChanged`].
ChangeSaleState {
token_id: TokenId,
/// A price of each pixel that an NFT occupies. To calculate a price of
/// the entire NFT, see the documentation of
/// [`TokenInfo#structfield.pixel_price`].
pixel_price: Option<u128>,

/// Paints with `painting` an NFT minted on a pixelboard.
/// # Requirements
/// * An NFT must be minted on a pixelboard.
/// * [`msg::source()`](gstd::msg::source) must be the owner of an NFT.
/// * `painting` length must equal a pixel count in an NFT. The count can be
/// calculated by multiplying a [width](`Rectangle::width`) &
/// [height](`Rectangle::height`) from a rectangle of the NFT. The NFT
/// rectangle can be obtained by [`token_info()`](../nft_pixelboard_state/metafns/fn.token_info.html).
/// On success, returns [`NFTPixelboardEvent::Painted`].
Paint {
token_id: TokenId,
painting: Vec<Color>,

Source code

The source code of the NFT pixelboard smart contract and an implementation of its testing is available on GitHub. They can be used as is or modified to suit your own scenarios.

For more details about testing smart contracts written on Gear, refer to the Program Testing article.