
Testing with gtest

gtest simulates a real network by providing mockups of the user, program, balances, mailbox, etc. Since it does not include parts of the actual blockchain, it is fast and lightweight. But being a model of the blockchain network, gtest cannot be a complete reflection of the latter.

As mentioned earlier, gtest is excellent for unit and integration testing. It is also helpful for debugging Gear program logic. Nothing other than the Rust compiler is required for running tests based on gtest. The use of gtest in continuous integration is predictable and robust.

Import gtest lib

To use the gtest library, you must import it into your Cargo.toml file in the [dev-dependencies] block to fetch and compile it for tests only:

name = "first-gear-app"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name"]
edition = "2021"

gstd = { git = "https://github.com/gear-tech/gear.git", tag = "v1.1.1" }

gear-wasm-builder = { git = "https://github.com/gear-tech/gear.git", tag = "v1.1.1" }

gtest = { git = "https://github.com/gear-tech/gear.git", tag = "v1.1.1" }

gtest capabilities

  • Initialization of the common environment for running programs:
    // This emulates node's and chain's behavior.
// By default, sets:
// - current block equals 0
// - current timestamp equals UNIX timestamp of your system.
// - minimal message id equal 0x010000..
// - minimal program id equal 0x010000..
let sys = System::new();
  • Program initialization:
    // Initialization of program structure from file.
// Takes as arguments reference to the related `System` and the path to wasm binary relatively
// the root of the crate where the test was written.
// Sets free program id from the related `System` to this program. For this case it equals 0x010000..
// Next program initialized without id specification will have id 0x020000.. and so on.
let _ = Program::from_file(

// Also, you may use the `Program::current()` function to load the current program.
let _ = Program::current(&sys);

// We can check the id of the program by calling `id()` function.
// It returns `ProgramId` type value.
let ping_pong_id = ping_pong.id();

// There is also a `from_file_with_id` constructor to manually specify the id of the program.
// Every place in this lib, where you need to specify some ids,
// it requires generic type 'ID`, which implements `Into<ProgramIdWrapper>`.
// `ProgramIdWrapper` may be built from:
// - u64;
// - [u8; 32];
// - String;
// - &str;
// - ProgramId (from `gear_core` one's, not from `gstd`).
// String implementation means the input as hex (with or without "0x")

// Numeric
let _ = ProgramBuilder::from_file("./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/demo_ping.wasm")

// Hex with "0x"
let _ = ProgramBuilder::from_file("./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/demo_ping.wasm")

// Hex without "0x"
let _ = ProgramBuilder::from_file("./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/demo_ping.wasm")

// Array [u8; 32] (e.g. filled with 5)
let _ = ProgramBuilder::from_file("./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/demo_ping.wasm")
.with_id([5; 32])

// If you initialize program not in this scope, in cycle, in other conditions,
// where you didn't save the structure, you may get the object from the system by id.
let _ = sys.get_program(105);
  • Getting the program from the system:
    // If you initialize program not in this scope, in cycle, in other conditions,
// where you didn't save the structure, you may get the object from the system by id.
let _ = sys.get_program(105);
  • Initialization of styled env_logger:
    // Initialization of styled `env_logger` to print logs (only from `gwasm` by default) into stdout.
// To specify printed logs, set the env variable `RUST_LOG`:
// `RUST_LOG="target_1=logging_level,target_2=logging_level" cargo test`
// Gear programs use `gwasm` target with `debug` logging level
  • Sending messages:
    To send message to the program need to call one of two program's functions:
// `send()` or `send_bytes()` (or `send_with_value` and `send_bytes_with_value` if you need to send a message with attached funds).
// Both of the methods require sender id as the first argument and the payload as second.
// The difference between them is pretty simple and similar to `gstd` functions
// `msg::send()` and `msg::send_bytes()`.
// The first one requires payload to be CODEC Encodable, while the second requires payload
// implement `AsRef<[u8]>`, that means to be able to represent as bytes.
// `send()` uses `send_bytes()` under the hood with bytes from payload.encode().
// First message to the initialized program structure is always the init message.
let res = program.send_bytes(100001, "INIT MESSAGE");
  • Processing the result of the program execution:
    // Any sending functions in the lib returns `RunResult` structure.
// It contains the final result of the processing message and others,
// which were created during the execution.
// It has 4 main functions.

// Returns the reference to the Vec produced to users messages.
// You may assert them as you wish, iterating through them.

// Returns bool which shows that there was panic during the execution
// of the main message.

// Returns bool which shows that there was panic during the execution
// of the created messages during the main execution.
// Equals false if no others were called.

// Returns bool which shows that logs contain a given log.
// Syntax sugar around `res.log().iter().any(|v| v == arg)`.

// To build a log for assertion you need to use `Log` structure with its builders.
// All fields here are optional.
// Assertion with Logs from core are made on the Some(..) fields
// You will run into panic if you try to set the already specified field.
// Constructor for success log.
let _ = Log::builder();

// Constructor for error reply log.
// Note that error reply never contains payload.
// And its exit code equals 1, instead of 0 for success replies.
let _ = Log::error_builder();

// Let’s send a new message after the program has been initialized.
// The initialized program expects to receive a byte string "PING" and replies with a byte string "PONG".
let res = ping_pong.send_bytes(100001, "PING");

// Other fields are set optionally by `dest()`, `source()`, `payload()`, `payload_bytes()`.
// The logic for `payload()` and `payload_bytes()` is the same as for `send()` and `send_bytes()`.
// First requires an encodable struct. The second requires bytes.
let log = Log::builder()


let wrong_log = Log::builder().source(100001);


// Log also has `From` implementations from (ID, T) and from (ID, ID, T),
// where ID: Into<ProgramIdWrapper>, T: AsRef<[u8]>
let x = Log::builder().dest(5).payload_bytes("A");
let x_from: Log = (5, "A").into();

assert_eq!(x, x_from);

let y = Log::builder().dest(5).source(15).payload_bytes("A");
let y_from: Log = (15, 5, "A").into();

assert_eq!(y, y_from);

assert!(!res.contains(&(ping_pong_id, ping_pong_id, "PONG")));
assert!(res.contains(&(1, 100001, "PONG")));
  • Spending blocks:
    // You may control time in the system by spending blocks.
// It adds the amount of blocks passed as arguments to the current block of the system.
// Same for the timestamp. Note, that for now 1 block in Gear network is 1 sec duration.
  • Balance:
    // If you need to send a message with value you have to mint balance for the message sender:
let user_id = 42;
sys.mint_to(user_id, 5000);
assert_eq!(sys.balance_of(user_id), 5000);

// To give the balance to the program you should use `mint` method:
let prog = Program::current(&sys);
assert_eq!(prog.balance(), 1000);